
Robert C Ehrman + daughter Cindy


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Stand Up

 I actually remember more than I thought I would for these my baby brother born 1956 I think can't look of course as I have been shut down on ancestry.  I remember Mom bathing him at the kitchen sink, so he was little.  I remember her singing to him after dressing him and stand him up on that kitchen counter and sing "Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus"  Well everyone knew Him by that name me too till reticently...but when you find truth you don't go backwards.  She also did something funny to me with him, she would brush his baby hair up standing it up top his head...and roll it around her finger and make it look like a mow hawk he had this line top head with that rolled.  Funny...don't even know if there is a pic of such thing but boy do I remember it.

The desire of Mom's heart was to have a child that would preach the Gospel.  So this was a known song by all the family and they would even sing it in church sometimes.  Believe me, I am the totally last person of her children she would ever think that possible of...only Daddy would feel such a way about me not Mom.



Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved. 

Perms, Quilting, Canning, and Plowing


 My Mom just could do everything, a true jack of all trades.  She used to give her Grandmother Perms and of course go down to quilting gatherings as there would be a group of them all working on the same quilt.  Of course they would gather to do canning and different things.  Team sports you know  haha  and that is actually how Mom would even get canned goods as we had no small a lot I think.  Grandpa Eherman did not have a farm, but enough to have an acre for planting maybe.

Well I don't remember much at Great Grandma Thompson's quilting and hair things,  and we would have to take naps upstairs we would go.  Well remember the feather bed, and a fireplace in the bedrooms.  I remember Grandpa would take us out to see chickens they raised and I think corn, as I remember the huge high fenced like so air would get in to dry corn, full of corn close by.

I remember the hand pump for well water at the kitchen the big one out back.  At a young age I remember staying with Grandma and her sitting with me out closer to that out back pump was a sitting bench, no back on it, but a tree right there close.  Want to say that that is where the cherry's came from that she sat there and taught me how to pit cherry's.  Well she was really fast at it  hahaha and used a bobby pin, so gave me one and taught me how to do this.  I am sure I didn't get many pitted, but did learn.

On the quilting just remember it being Mom, Grandma her mother, Aunt Marion, Grandma's sister, and Great Grandma.  Well Mom took care of all their hair needs  haha  remember even going over to Aunt Marion's, so Mom could give her a perm.  Aunt Marion oh we just loved it, as she worked at the candy factory, of course I was older with that, but loved she would get us 5 lb boxes of turtles.  Carmel and nuts they were great.

Mom used to tell us stories, about when she was a child at her grandparents, she just used to love riding the plow horses...well she didn't really go riding of course. Her Grandpa would allow her to sit on them when he was in the field working with them  hahaha  So mom plowed fields as a child  haha

Mom might have told me because I had a love for horses and tied to that, a story my Grandma, her mother, would tell about me over and over.  As I asked my Grandma to draw me a horse.  Well hearing her tell it over and over too as she thought it so funny, I said to her, no Grandma that isn't a horse, that is a cow.  Well she thought she made a great horse I guess.  Remember spending the night with her, Mom maybe having more children who knows..but I slept with her.  And just like at home hearing all the time for most my life from Mom too,  "Be Still" and she would touch me and say that over and over  hahaha

Even in church I had to sit by or between Dad and Mom, the reaching over touching me meant Be Still  haha  as even with my legs crossed sitting that foot would just go bouncing.  I remember sometimes being on one side of Mom and she would make me move to by Daddy as i wouldn't sit still.  Well of course you start recognizing signals of different touches.  Heightened, don't know what I want to call it but an awareness of peoples reactions it kind of built into me.  Maybe it was things I would do then testing others I don't know.

I am sure looking at all my childhood even little like this, all played a part in why Daddy said to me that he thought I would never get married, as I would not submit to any man.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Tree Climbing and Kindergarten

Grandma and Grandpa Ehrman, living next door to us, we were not allowed to bug them all the time, they had an apple tree in their back yard, I forget the kind, it wasn't sweet apples not something you would pick and eat. Grandma used to make apple butter with them. Us kids got to climb that tree to pick apples for her. Branches were low enough on it to do that.

Now we had a tree at our house to learn to climb was side so back door really on other side of driveway as I recall, so Mom could watch us play from kitchen window out there. Only one I can remember ever falling out of that tree was my little brother Chris, think it was the tree, he broke his collar bone I want to say I am not sure of that though, he would remember for sure.

Then remember being in kindergarten at Trinity Lutheran school. My brother and sister went there too. I think kindergarten was just half days back then. Why it stands out is the way they do things now, they make children go I think full days. Well we went half I think and funny thing about the memory I have regarding that, is that we children in class all had I believe it was a towel, had to lay it out on floor and we all had a time to lay down and rest. Now that was half day I recall, so interesting I remember that little nap we had to take in that class. Wasn't to go to sleep I don't think, was more a break, and maybe that could have been weather I don't know, just remember the nap.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Family Chickenpox

Well, I started my morning posting on other sites don't have them listed or book marked on this new computer those in my family have the list I was also given several songs this morning.  Decided then to look for  Ehrmann family Coat of Arms with a link to that.  We however dropped one of the "n" on the end..not all siblings of Grandpa Ehrman did this.  Well you just have to add it to background then  haha  with a link to info.  Our family was from Switzerland paternal side.  According to a cousin I worked with in church records..he said our family was there from the beginning now I don't know what he meant by that the records only went back to like 1600...He however born raised there.  We ended up being even distant related on a few different lines.

My next memory as a child is everyone being sick  haha  poor mom, like 3 of us all came down with chickenpox I think...maybe 4 of us.  All same day...well that is what Daddy came home to  I think she was even crying.  Well I think back then if someone had those things you went to expose your children to it..that and mumps as they are bad to get as adults.  I mean this was much worse than a bad hair day with all these itching children.

As fast as my mom had children she could have been PG 3 girls were like 15 months apart.  Once she would stop nursing she would get PG again.  She said that would stop at biting  lol  Well us 3 girls must have been biters hahaha

I want to say the house of course was finished way before that...I do remember I think mom even laid that kitchen tile or helped...but upstairs I think just 2 big rooms not sure on boys but on us 3 girls all slept same room. 2 double beds in it and a closet we used to play in went full length with a door at each end as i recall.

Cheri and I always slept together, Con always alone.  Boys I think were all together just not sure Chuck.  Well just had to see if there was a song for children that played in the closet but don't see one.

Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved.

Friday, March 19, 2021

First Memory Falling

 Well you know the Lord has shown up when you hear howling of the wind through your window...and this I did in the kitchen.  On this site, I know from even talking with my sister as she would ask me if I remembered a particular thing...and I would say no I don't remember that.  So with six children all being raised in the same household, all have different memories that stand out to them...things they just won't forget.  So this is just my memories, don't know my siblings will even remember these things.  I will try to stay from the beginning but can't guarantee anything, as you do as led of the Lord.

Well Dad and Mom I believe met each other through families on both sides living close.  Just up the road from my Dad was a farm he had permission to hunt on, well it happened to be my Mom's side of the family.  So I believe that is how they met.  My Mom got PG, so her and Daddy got married.  Well Daddy's parents had some Grandpa gave them a piece of it to build a house.  They lived in the basement once finished as construction continued.  I believe not sure of this but on the other side of Grandpa was a family call Johnson's, he had a business and I believe Daddy worked there, I know he did just not sure of the dates.  Now Grandpa worked for the railroad which according to my husbands mother those were very hard to get jobs.

I think Daddy and Mom could have even met through church...the reason I say that is because Mom's grandparents are buried at that same church we went too...Ehrman's that is ... yep found the grave site for this could have been how also.  Thompson graves Trinity Lutheran Church

My first memory I believe I was pretty young, reason bringing it up first is because don't remember many children at big brother was there for sure.  Daddy had us down at Grandpa Thompson's, Mom's side and hunt and we were in the barn  Grandpa I believe raised corn and had chickens, the Thompson ancestors grave yard also on that farm I believe.  Well he had hay stored up top with ladders to climb to get to them.  Also had a I want to call it a corn maybe picking?  not sure just something to do with corn and metal stored on the floor of the barn.  Well my big brother climbed up a ways on the ladder then moved to using the bail strings to climb the rest of the way.  I wanted to do the same so did the same thing.  I fell using bail strings and hit my head on that corn thing cracking back of my head open.  I remember being in the hospital in an oxygen tent...then remember once home Mom kept me on the couch so she could keep an eye on me.  Makes me think of the attacks on Josh at young age.

All Dad's family built homes close to his parents up on another road but Daddy was only one next door.  His brother had a house I think called Maples Road... Dad and Grandpa RR1 Decatur Rd.

So that is my first memory, I did get to watch tv being on that couch  haha remember that.


Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Traveling Salvation Show

Full Gospel Church Taken Too 5th grade?

New Testament text will be from the just really hits you what the text says at least to me.

Well listened to many different worship songs this morning, and just kinda reviewing pages of scriptures and things I already have and have not posted yet. Then of course memories again from when we were young, I had to have been in elementary school as we lived on Edgewater as I remember the man coming to dinner to our house. Why you wouldn't forget the dinner, well our family never ate in the dinning room...we had a big eat in kitchen with table there, so all our meals were there. Only special occasions were ever ever eaten in the dinning room and this is where we ate with him.

We were raised Missouri Synod Lutheran am assuming that came also from Switzerland. Of course they were ones to break away from Catholic's yet kept some things. At that time we were all enrolled in their schools too. So it wasn't just Church we went to it affected a lot more.

Daddy as I recall ran into this man I want to say downtown at a car dealer place not really sure. Anyway he was a preacher in town at a Full Gospel church...something we didn't know anything about then. Daddy was so impressed with this man, as he found out, this man traveled with nothing, and he would even have no money for gas to get him to the next places to go. Well God would fill the tank and get him to where he was going...without even stopping at a station. Daddy wanted to go hear him so would take us all and went to the church. The memory I have more than anything was the song they kept playing...of course the chorus line is what I remember. I will put the song. They also then of course had an alter call, which we never did in our church..several of us went down can't remember who all did that I do know I did and remember Con. I did edit the song put just what I remember on one of my other sites but you do have to click open select a media player to hear it. 


Well of course this was all so different, and being children I guess we all talked about the church being excited about it am sure but doing this at school. Well of course parents got called in and the threat of being removed from the church and school I guess ... well that happened to with daddy as he was an Elk member. So had dealings with the church for a couple things. Scripture just came to me, of course I think Daddy like most people even today feel something is missing, yet your faith is so strong in God doing miracles you do seek when to the Lord puts someone in your path.

Matthew 7:7. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you.

Years later the family all came out of that church, and of course none of my family goes to churches, my sister Con did for the longest time, and what I remember about that even, they seemed to be fine and did great in business until they both became elders. Wow did their business get hit from the Lord I am sure. I don't know that anyone else in the family became members of anything. I was thankful when the Baptist church pressured my son to become a member they refused.

Our membership needs to be with Yeshua only, there is only One Shepherd.

John 10:7-16 But again Yeshua said to them, “Timeless truth I speak to you; I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Gate of the flock.” 8 "And all who had come were thieves and robbers, but the flock did not hear them.” 9 "I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Gate; if anyone will enter by me, he shall live and shall go in and out and shall find the pasture.” 10 "But a thief does not come except to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have whatever is abundant.” 11 "I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for his flock.” 12 "But a hired man who is not a shepherd, whenever he may see a wolf coming, leaves the flock and runs.” 13 "But a hired man runs because he is a hired man, and cares not about the flock, and a wolf comes snatching at and scattering the flock.” 14 "I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Good Shepherd. I know mine and am known by mine.” 15 "Just as my Father knows me and I know my Father, and I lay down my life for the flock’s sake.” 16 "But I have other sheep which were not from this fold; I must also bring them. They also will hear my voice, and the entire fold shall be one, and One Shepherd.”

You can't help but with the text think of Paul that wolf and what Jacob said about Benjamin calling him a wolf Ge 49:27

Then another song came to me, just because this man was a traveling Gospel man that the Lord did provide for and of course there are secular songs that do make statements too..some ok and some not. For me if a song pops into my mind...I usually go find it.