Saturday, May 1, 2021

Edgewater Dr, Fort Wayne, IN

 When we moved back to Fort Wayne, I was in 5th grade.  Now Dad and Mom's families all lived South end of town was the river that pretty much divided these things.  They were the first upon returning to move North of the river.  It was an older home with a huge front porch, two story with a basement, 4 bedrooms one very small single bed did fit..big brothers room.  

Being back, we were once again put back into private Missouri Synod Lutheran Schools, we went to Holy Cross Lutheran.  Now at these schools there was correction, you got spankings if acting up in classes.  There were always two people present...usually a woman and did paddling.  I did get some, not many found out more like home I did.

Well our family all sat down together for dinner in evenings.  There was a sitting order, boys on one side of the table Daddy's right side, and girls on left side of the table.  Boys sat in order age, girls however didn't as well my sisters more afraid of dad? either that or it was just cause I was a Daddies girl and wanted to be there don't know which but that is how sit.. myself, Connie, then Cheri at Edgewater I think.  We were taught very young to eat, but if you didn't want it you could go hungry, and sit there and be last to leave the table... no play or send room for our family...and no extra food later.  Peanut butter and jelly always on table too for mainly growing boys, enough for all helping, but if want more ate that extra.

Now dinner would be conversation time too.  We did have a city park close Lakeside Park, nice it had tennis courts, a big pond that was ice skating in winter, a nice park.  Directly across the street from us was an older park like..had basketball court and baseball backstop the rest field as I recall then the big bank to go over other side the river.  We played there more than anything, would even with the neighborhood kids play big jump rope a person at each end...learned to do with double people in and out you go.  We also would sometimes have dodge ball, now that also was in school too, and play baseball too not at often did girls play.

When forced to stay inside with weather we either played upstairs was the girls stuff in our rooms, boys more basement type toys down there.  I remember the boys sometimes playing with us, little brothers, they would be butlers and things like that.

Remember also having chameleons and keeping them in a shoe box with a screen bent over the edges to keep them in when not playing with the.  We used to put some jelly on big flat concrete top of porch end post and draw flies to watch them eat.  Fun to put them on different color things see how fast they change color.  They get confused multi color.

We all got a new pair of shoes for school starting.  I was the hard one to fit, so wasn't as fun for me.  I had double A foot and triple A heels... so could only get white gym shoes, and couldn't do penny loafers so not fun...did finally get a pair though anyway they let me.  I was old enough to go shag balls for Daddy when he went out to practice would try to go any time I could just to be with Daddy.  He taught us how to shoot at river, had a pellet rifle type air pump gun to teach us..I think I was only girl to do that though so more powerful than a bb gun...depended on how many pumps of air you put in it.  

Our first Christmas there I think was the big Christmas as Mom's brother Uncle Steve worked at Koehlinger's think called, a lock smith but they had Schwinn bikes sold got them at his cost, so there were 5 of them lined up in the living room in front of the tree that year.  So we then had bikes to ride.  We had learned it before, living next to grandpa and grandma Ehrman, very young started that, mom had old girls bike, we couldn't sit seat of course but could get between and stand to try ride.  Did that in yard.

There were several boys and girls that hung out at the park across the street, so got to know a lot of the kids that lived around.  The boys would come over to our house a lot of times to talk to us girls..

Now that was the house we lived in when we received the Lord actually.  I wrote about that on another post I think, Daddy had met him and took family to Full Gospel Church wrote it here as he did come to our house.


Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved. 

Saturday, April 17, 2021

My Family, an anouncement

 I am going to plan to come to FL to see and stay with my sister Con.  Find out what the heck going on with her.  I have sent email through company as all my stuff removed again for Larry's email.. went to their website and emailed there.  I have his phone number and will call him asking if I can stay with them forever how long.  Since no one in the freeking family seems to know crap..not even her children can seem to give proper info on her.  

So am planning since I have a shit 21 year old vehicle to follow Chris and Eathell back so at least have my brother to get me there.

Hope to see everyone will let you all know what Larry says to me.  He certainly has the room for me, and Con has called for me to come care for her before.  Maybe Sister Cheri will come see too.

Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved. 

Friday, April 16, 2021

Living On Longwood list

 Lots happened in that year we were in Anderson.  Cheri and I were ones usually together, Con stay home with mom I think most the time.  We were more adventurist type.  We would make up words her and I, like don't remember when we called rain and thunder storms "boom buck shee's"  haha  of course Con would find out too just being sister, but it was Cheri and I that I think came up with these type things.

I asked Cheri even the names of these people she remembered but blocked from me as I type...remember her name being Joy I think and her husband was a dentist.  I remember from Daddy it was that man, that put all these fillings in his teeth..why called "pin head"  spot..nothing growing just spot.

Gay Dehorty, another neighbor, her husband don't remember name but he was semi driver as I recall.  Mom talked to Gay a lot too.  Now it was her yard we learned to play "steal the flag" as children.  Neighborhood get together there have teams play.  Think we used a ball bat for flag, can't remember.

Remember Mom being leader I think of girl scouts Con was in and Cheri and I being Brownies.

We learned games from them, the boys neighborhood, Cheri and I part don't remember Con.  Truth, Dare, On the Roof Top was one and we played spin the bottle done on our back concrete porch past mstr bedroom area.

Remember Chuck getting beating from Daddy in basement I went down crying for Daddy not to spank don't remember why.  I remember Daddy lining us up for report cards as there was no spanking in public schools.  Daddy required C or better from his children.  Remember one time lined up I put a book in my butt  haha  probably got it worse then..but am sure made Daddy laugh later about it.

Remember Chuck getting abused on school bus by kid in neighborhood don't remember name.  Remember him getting into fight with him at drop off and mom running down there with us following of course and rooting and cheering him on to beat the crap out of that kid.  Caused a major neighborhood watch see.  I think Chuck won.

I remember, think might have been just Cheri and I that actually did this, not sure Con again, but think meteor shower was going to happen, we wanted to sleep outdoors to watch it..used them lounge chairs that open to like bed, no tent or nothing but think Cookie our beagle was out with us for the night.  We watched the heavens.

Remember, even though Daddy couldn't get me horse which I had asked him for on 4th and Madison, told me he couldn't get me one, as couldn't do for all children, needed to keep same, so he took me to friends, or work buddies to ride and learn.  On that note remember again Cheri and I not sure Con, but had a friend that had ponies...we wanted to try to ride..we made even out of yarn a chain stitch to try to make halter things like catch them ponies.  We used to walk up to riding stable to together watch English saddle training classes going on.

Remember daddy got hole in one at that golf course accross from us and getting wood ash tray with ball glued to it.  Remember him being paid from work with silver dollars.

This is most of my memories from that year in Anderson, IN.  I did find it interesting that my first job, following sister Con was first there, Cousins Jewelers in Ft. Wayne, IN was owned by Jews main office think was Anderson, IN.


Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Longwood and Public Schools Anderson, IN

 Anderson will have several posts, even though we were not there long, we did different things and learned different type games.  Why?  Public Schools there.  I hated their school systems, but they were public schools we went to there.  Glad we didn't live long there.

We moved to Longwood and our house was like you turn in and could see it right away top hill.  We had view because of that, no trees in your way, road could see the golf course across main street don't know name.  It was just a three bedroom house for the eight of us, but big rooms.  So us girls had 2 double beds in our room.  Boys room was a bit smaller, mom did tend to give the girls bigger rooms and don't know if that was difference in type toys or what.  We had dolls and kitchen stuff you know, most their stuff was outside, or basement, to run those metal Tonka trucks with you were not allowed to do that in only other room there was a living room.

Now that school I went to there, they wanted to put me on drugs.  Mom did do it for a very short time, well with my children, said forget it  haha  but anyway she took me off cause she did not like what she saw.  So that was me and Anderson schools.  Never did they say that stuff at private schools never. They used the paddle, correction in Daddy.

Through I think though, not sure but think this was tied to public stuff ... Mom did put us girls in girl scouts and brownies.  Cheri and I always somehow ended up together, Con always ahead don't know age or what?  I don't remember at all being in those in Ft Wayne before moving there.  So Cheri and I often did things together, and Con didn't want to do always.  Cheri and I more adventurous, Con more stay home with Mom.

Cheri and I would go up walk, to a riding stable to watch, don't remember Con going with us on that but hey Cheri may think different don't know.  Anyway they did different type riding there, English saddles and riding.  So we would watch them go up and down  lol  

There was also park close by at that house too, remember walking there, and had a friend think from school, can't remember name but they had ponies  haha

Just lots of memories with that year maybe too cause of the trauma  lol 

Well since a lot about school...well only place I remember Daddy lining us up with report cards and getting woopins as they didn't do that in their schools... and Daddy was not that hard on us, wanted C or better no D or F...all his children were at minimum average.  One time knew I was going to get it lined up there and put a book in my butt  hahaha  well am sure made it worse, but know must have made Daddy laugh later about it.


Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Move To Anderson

 I want to say I was in might have left part of 2nd not sure..3rd grade was there...we rented a house on corner of 4th and Madison.  There was an old lady next door, tons of cats we used to mess with.  Cheri and I went to one school, and Chuck and Con went to a different I think, as I remember they walked a different direction than Cheri and I.  Chuck hated to have to have Connie walk with him remember that.  Now Cheri and I would have fun walking.  Song pops in head we used to do walking see if can find.  Can't find song remember we used to use the Wizard of OZ start off for it Dorothy did singing.. Lyrics:

high ho  high ho, off to school we go, we learn some junk, and then we flunk, high ho, high ho, high ho

So we might have made it up we were good at that stuff  lol 

Anyway well I, but think Cheri did too absolutely love this black and white collie at a rich dudes seemed like house...we always looked for that dog to be out.

I hated that school, they picked on me with reading, I hate to this day to read out loud and they always made me there...only school did that to me.

Well that place we lived in had an attic, they left stuff in it!!  we used to get into that stuff, also that place had a basement with a piano in it..  We used to play think called chop sticks.. can find the simple one but we had added to ours...also there was another one with chords we did and we played these with 2 people at keyboard... so didn't see what we used to do.

The lady next door we used to even dress those kittens in cloths  hahaha

Don't remember how long at that house, could have finished 3rd grade at Longwood when we moved there.  Lived there a year or so as I was in 5th grade or part of it back in Ft Wayne again.

Will talk about some of the adventures and different games etc we learned there on another post.  


Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Bethlehem and Tap Dance

 Being a bit older, I remember us changing schools, I don't however know why it happened.  Maybe Trinity just stopped having school?  For some reason I want to say that was not the case, only reason I say that, is because I think my other Ehrman cousins still might have continued to go to Trinity.  I am not sure of this.  We however were moved to my mothers, mothers church Bethlehem.  So we went to Bethlehem until we moved to Anderson Indiana.

Well memories at this age again with us girls, all three of us was Mom had us all in tap dancing.  We of course practiced in the basement.  Mom would come down and work with us, putting the records on and helping to teach.  I remember preparing for a recital I also included the use of a cane (stick).  

Well the moves included tapping around in a circle around the cane...we also did cane over head and different dance steps.  Most of the tap steps were the "shuffle ball change"  "heel toe" "shuffle ball change"  So trying to get speed really for this not here to learn..just show how done a video!!



Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Stand Up

 I actually remember more than I thought I would for these my baby brother born 1956 I think can't look of course as I have been shut down on ancestry.  I remember Mom bathing him at the kitchen sink, so he was little.  I remember her singing to him after dressing him and stand him up on that kitchen counter and sing "Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus"  Well everyone knew Him by that name me too till reticently...but when you find truth you don't go backwards.  She also did something funny to me with him, she would brush his baby hair up standing it up top his head...and roll it around her finger and make it look like a mow hawk he had this line top head with that rolled.  Funny...don't even know if there is a pic of such thing but boy do I remember it.

The desire of Mom's heart was to have a child that would preach the Gospel.  So this was a known song by all the family and they would even sing it in church sometimes.  Believe me, I am the totally last person of her children she would ever think that possible of...only Daddy would feel such a way about me not Mom.



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Teaching Me To Drive

Well this story must have been important as it disappeared from my chats with Matthew. So I will do him this and post this story I told him...

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