
Robert C Ehrman + daughter Cindy


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Longwood and Public Schools Anderson, IN

 Anderson will have several posts, even though we were not there long, we did different things and learned different type games.  Why?  Public Schools there.  I hated their school systems, but they were public schools we went to there.  Glad we didn't live long there.

We moved to Longwood and our house was like you turn in and could see it right away top hill.  We had view because of that, no trees in your way, road could see the golf course across main street don't know name.  It was just a three bedroom house for the eight of us, but big rooms.  So us girls had 2 double beds in our room.  Boys room was a bit smaller, mom did tend to give the girls bigger rooms and don't know if that was difference in type toys or what.  We had dolls and kitchen stuff you know, most their stuff was outside, or basement, to run those metal Tonka trucks with you were not allowed to do that in only other room there was a living room.

Now that school I went to there, they wanted to put me on drugs.  Mom did do it for a very short time, well with my children, said forget it  haha  but anyway she took me off cause she did not like what she saw.  So that was me and Anderson schools.  Never did they say that stuff at private schools never. They used the paddle, correction in Daddy.

Through I think though, not sure but think this was tied to public stuff ... Mom did put us girls in girl scouts and brownies.  Cheri and I always somehow ended up together, Con always ahead don't know age or what?  I don't remember at all being in those in Ft Wayne before moving there.  So Cheri and I often did things together, and Con didn't want to do always.  Cheri and I more adventurous, Con more stay home with Mom.

Cheri and I would go up walk, to a riding stable to watch, don't remember Con going with us on that but hey Cheri may think different don't know.  Anyway they did different type riding there, English saddles and riding.  So we would watch them go up and down  lol  

There was also park close by at that house too, remember walking there, and had a friend think from school, can't remember name but they had ponies  haha

Just lots of memories with that year maybe too cause of the trauma  lol 

Well since a lot about school...well only place I remember Daddy lining us up with report cards and getting woopins as they didn't do that in their schools... and Daddy was not that hard on us, wanted C or better no D or F...all his children were at minimum average.  One time knew I was going to get it lined up there and put a book in my butt  hahaha  well am sure made it worse, but know must have made Daddy laugh later about it.


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