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If I don't know your name I don't know you. Return Recipt only way you know I have gotten it my signature. I have received NOTHING!!! I will not waste my time with people and just live and do as Almighty has me set here for.. no people no call over done with gone is. If there are men, I will hear and know.. I will have PO in place for me this can change will let you know. Making sure I do get all. Rich or poor Family blood or not it applies to all.

Mail to: Cindy Ehrnmn-Jacobs-Ehrman

8703 W. Faust Ln

Homosassa Springs, FL 34448 

Interesting about the name of city Homo is another word used for LGBT's who I mentioned.

 The Gold and Silver are mine saith the Lord.  

For common people to support me "her seed" Rev 12:17   I am she.  My son's the son's of thunder house of Jacob true name changed by USA to Jacobs with Social Security the only name Almighty said of all names would be saved as a name.  It does not matter your name race color or creed all men followed doctrines of men not Almighty God Messiah in flesh came and is your creator Father/Mother 1 they are.  Earth demons were sentenced to judgement 1 already that was here and divided female pulled out of the 1 male. Divided the sentence and a chance for eternal life back to the   house of Almighty God.  Won't follow simple bye bye second judgment..  Don't want equality and hearing Father/Mother yourself, bye bye second death.  Even the widow woman gave.  I am not personally concerned either way.  I prayed future for my seed Ehrman and Matthew's could be in us already.. and Jacob us Jacobs...trick was following as I did no one else taught as no one else did as it said.  You were warned not to believe anything else.  I am not changing anything it is finished with Messiah as He said.. you chose to continue with again man.  Help support work of Almighty to try and save people or don't think another Noah we my family will fly away say bye bye.  Send a coin to  8703 Faust Ln, Homosassa Springs, FL 34448 for the work should you be given more time and rise up a standard against this evil.  Cindy Ehrman-Jacobs-Ehrman.  I will hire my sons to work for Almighty me as I hear, my son's of thunder.  Top programmers.

Site List for Mom Ehrman-Jacobs

There are 3 other email addresses with a list of sites just like this all tied to son giving me this email address when all my other email addresses were stollen and shut down from me. I am the woman with the testimony in Rev of Messiah it is my seed people "her seed" I judge, and my son's are still working for evil men me never receiving 1 cent from a dam F'n second death already sentenced Father finally answered for me from the beginning you all are. This call or second death to all end of discussion.

cydehrman@gmail.com cynthiasueehrman@gmail.com and ehrmancsfl@gmail.com (will add sites tied to these emails)

The other sites at go daddy they blocked me from my own domains. It will take an out of the mouth verbal that men get it if a man desires me to ever ever type on a .com hosting site a man of Almighty God only.

The Sites listed are momjacobs702@gmail.com  son giving me after shut down by google.

Creative Commando's Heading Your Way  (name change)

KISS HUG XXX000 Those are the memories.Creative Commando's Heading Your Way

















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Teaching Me To Drive

Well this story must have been important as it disappeared from my chats with Matthew. So I will do him this and post this story I told him...

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Cynthia Sue Ehrman-Jacobs