Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Priest Jewish Prayer Shawl

In 2001 in Kentucky.. we had purchased a home on Blueridge Dr. The funny thing about that is that the retirement property we purchased AZ mountains and were starting to build was called Blueridge Estates. Set up? Or God? Anyway 1 year later I wanted the cabin.. Bob joked with me and said you are not going to be doing this each year. Well he did get me a new car hahaha. To even make that man pay cash for that house on Blueridge wow was a fight.. he wanted a mortgage on it I flipped out getting us debt free. Think Josh heard that one.. said you prove to me where we will save money? This house low too..114,000 a repo home. Then want the cabin..now that we did only put 20% down for no PMI but it was only like 74 something. So made it an office for our RA Jacobs Consulting. Daddy and I were at the time talking about the feasts of the Lord and I was aware Daddy felt he was Jewish really tried to prove that and couldn't do then. I though with the cabin did several things. I purchased from Israel a prayer shawl for Daddy and one for Bob. Daddy's blue and Bob's red. Sent it to Daddy I might have sent him a feast book don't remember. He and mom had for a while gotten into eating more OT.

It must have been I am guessing time as a holiday think party at my sis Con's lake place so maybe May 30?? have no clue really. Jennie my guess either that or daddy wanted to show it there family I sent him. Jennie took a picture and sent it to me. I named the pic high-priest.

Now Bob with me doing this book did ask if he would do these things with me at the cabin and he did agree. The book I had, had the meal prayers things to say and do type thing as well. As you can see in the pic and Con did have her place done that way at the lake, Carey sitting back on sofa and interesting the fishing things and the clock. Not sure any other brother was there that one you know was can not deny it he was caught.

The interesting thing is even in reading you there are ones that either get new when married purchasing for each other or at least the wife did see this is and can be done at a wedding ceremony. Well of course for me would be different now if to do as Father told me after that house of Joseph which is why I do have the picture of multi color that even put up on my facebook site. This what our side of the family represents. When daddy graduated Jennie sent me his bible and the prayer shawl back... Bob and I did not do things that long just for a bit. I kept both in a china cabinet drawer in their plastic bags they came in. Now that same drawer full of loose candles.. red ones did have and other colors .. when we separated and his mom wanted back her dining things that bag Bob's was in was all stained with that red candle I guess.. daddy's clear. Well I don't have any of it any longer except the bible of daddy's.



Endtimes Chats

 My Daddy was the watcher of the family really so did try to keep informed things only one not sure ever tried with was Cheryl.  Five of us am sure kept posted chat different with each son even I believe though away and talked less, he would test his son's even to see if they did talk between each other, that is just type dude daddy was...and how I pictured him doing...tell one one thing tell another another thing.  So Daddy knew who communicated or thought important anything the man had to say basically my picture of them all working doing together.  Just knowing my daddy he no changed.

So as I mentioned Daddy and his brother and the talk about duck tape fixing everything, I did write about that making a comment.  Have no clue how many times did even hear it said between them brothers or how many times hear it as a child no remember just the saying I remember.

Well even that book haha show and tell without much to me re covering the little camera eye on puters.. just put a sticky over it said brb need to do something.  Only did it heck once maybe knew when maybe I  did it?  have no clue but even hear daddy with duck tape.

I also am a tester of things myself.  So when got my little dang phone no want but that nextell taken over by a company started messing with my phone made me upgrade get new station power box plus did get internet thing through them and extra phone numbers got nothing was working with them.. pain it was went in about it several dam times.  No fix, had to get something else...and refused to pay for them server things..in debt against credit now probably am could care less dam them.  They did same charging me medical when no went there and was on at that time medicaid all paid.  Shit dam them shit.

Anyway them shut down my little I call it my french connection.  FPB cable gave run around get in for me.. change times one say 2 days then put me off week and half to 2 wks.  I got another cheap T-mobile  hated last one gave to Bev...Bob even tried it for me wouldn't work for him word take away  quick access to dial from seniors and small children they have done with this shit.  Makes me want to send all to LOF  (lake of fire) they only 2 in them books mention about ages.. robbed ppl don't think what all that one even entails.

So thought again about words heard after snapping pics and getting online.. more maybe for my family as looked see who talking.. and only 3 scriptures so will put on his site.  Pics now daddy never said anything about them phones but already knew when very first ones came out as Bob knowing I was on the phone talking even while working in the house got me one.

We would talk on that neighbor while we both talked working and could hear motor cycle boy we called him with a big high antenna used 2 way long distance that dude we would even sometimes hear come through our TV.  I felt I had a party line on phone.

So got fancy well I try to hack everything people.  So knowing them can hear too throw new one in freezer to hear that.  Anyway that thing installed all kinds of airplane software who knows if I hit a button or what this is am sure what all do.. remember back last separation big brother helping me said he was always having to fix something for his wife even...that back then.  Well my husband never wanted to deal with so had my underground crew for early in my internet dealings..  As you can see I thanked even Father Him providing me best where I was even when my husband would not do for me.

Daddy even did tell me TV's would have that ability back in late 80"s or early 90's forget exact.. to me it was like oh well.. let them try to watch zillions of people young and old...plus knowing the shit already in programming.. talk about major wire crossing.. heck when I was pbx operator could turn on things if so desired even then.  So didn't think to much about it all then.  We are at major wire crossing time...but good news it Father has a bridge above that.  You know the narrow way??  Now I am testing the cheapy duck tape dollar store stuff so the real duck might be better..might be the difference duckduckgo pic verses a mallard.

People back way back then heck broken windows cars drive by with duck tape...and bumper things tail light things you name it, it did if that was why daddy and his brother mention it made you see duck tape.  Back then though people could unlock your cars through window using tool..so people unscrew them little door thingy's not let anyone b able to do.  Then driver wheel lock bars it is forever been security back then even.  So snapped my now 2 phones have.

Well will put the pics else where too and that dang dog and what has happened as to why see pink cord that no  charge how ended up with that.. said worked tested it for me yet no work same at all..found then my white one that dang dog not mine don't yet know who the heck owns it..  Will maybe add if pop head as were are here..end times... links to this page will see.

Daddy Questions

 I actually posted one on the blog will link here as the type child I was with Daddy.  I might not have asked my mom as many questions as I was in trouble more with her than Daddy.  So you avoid that one when you want some answers to things.  Actually I had some pretty deep questions to Daddy.  I remember as young I was but Daddy the estimator the dude that bid the jobs to get work on things he was.. is what it was to me young.  We went to a ground breaking ceremony for this huge project  and Daddy was the one I think that used that shovel to break the ground for it.  Young I was don't remember the project or anything just remember all family there for it think.. so maybe big brother might remember think we all were there all dressed up.  Huge ribbon think on bran new shiny shovel.

Well I did go to Daddy think that was when I asked him, said Daddy, how do you know what to bid to get a job?  Well Daddy had a bit harder time with that one...hahaha  but said to me Well it is like a gut feeling you know inside sometimes.  You do collect costs for things but it is an inside feeling on some jobs.  

So for that job as just happened think when asked him that question.. he told me inside feeling gut know.  He also would use the term with me "a know that you know"  Now Daddy would use that know that you know thing with knowing God our Father.. call that one a know that you know.  So you think about them things.

So Daddy and I talked lots of every area really and he didn't have problem mentioning things to me at all.

Actually was thinking of posting on dog site turned into a general site...and will do that, cause the dogs that got scraps from the masters table that woman had great faith.. so ended up here cause of the know that you know thing that woman must have had...and not of Israel at all...so became one.. as the sojourners and strangers if stayed God gave them a tribe to be in He did I saw clip snap that OT. taken to.  Funny thing about them people.. is that them not required to do all them Jews had to do.  I see different cause of my walk...them Jew's think cause them ain't good enough...haha them are so wrong, but wrong about a lot them are.  The mixed multitude that did come out of Egypt, when the law was put in, most left would not do that law.  So just who come sojourners and strangers and what God say about them?  They actually got to choose the tribe want to be in.  Where they wanted to camp.   I see that being more Messiah teaching folks no person teach such so I am way out.  

c ya

Happy Birthday Daddy and Me 12/9/2022

 Well I did post evening actually yesterday on this as depends on clocks u are on.  Like my house right now I let Matthew choose time,, as my stove and micro say dif than puter or phone.. choice God gives to everyone.. and my bedroom an hour and forget how many minutes off it is...well no bother me i learned to add and subtract.  Well I wanted to post this at different sites...tried wanted to use human-evil.com with Daddy and I...them no like song and stuff have for that site....so cant put there.  The thing people don't get is Yeshua was human... He said why call me good...no one is good but Father  get it?  So if no man or woman is good what the heck does Father want?  Well He told us.

Word this has taken a long time as J stopped by, wish me happy birthday and bring me mail from Bob's word word ...sheesh that dang bank sends him my stuff too... anyway he slipped off the porch there sprained bad his ankle.. we chatted asked where he went for Thanksgiving went to Ohio..  To : this the best images site...and scroll above of different things so had fun.  Well looked cool.

Great Wolf Lodge Water Park | Mason

I tried to work on this again as with thinking about Daddy got into family memories and tree's also with that of course Daddy a golfer..well his great dad on mothers side was Bringolf  well daddy did bring golf.  Daddy was a 3 handicap and play tournaments etc.  Well when daddy came home.. I would always ask how he did...  he just would start rattling off to me...  par, birdie, bogie, eagle and so on, so used to make up songs about them terms i did...never did he say score...so I would sing songs about all them.  So anyway did look up all them words and the meanings different places...well then contacted a cousin who put me on her tree access as she had it locked... well folks I actually should not be getting them.. as she had my old email shut down yet them appear.  Well I would think them things like Matthew would do.. as He seemed like a wild and crazy guy.  Well I rescued dog yesterday... but with all her new stuff she on a different drum.  So I knew I needed to get dog a e collar Bob had one so call ask if go get.. he said ok.. ask as missed trash.. showed J these weird neighbors...them had regular trash out already came and 2 gold like trash cans upside down over to R side of them...I said what is that?  

Well Bob call me back after me done fighting trying to pay bill gas..i hate that dang crap told girl put this in for suggestion I do not what to listen while I wait to all you crap.. add a button for that...used to ask if u want to hear music or not them no ask no more...  well paid them 423.00 pay ahead I did way back in Owenton I hate and do not need credit.. no need to pay monthly..  so hope maybe if get out of here them owe me.  So left dog home.. told her watch house..she no go.. I would be back.  Went out front...but open garage from car and get trash.. and leave.  Got e collar told Bob I have no clue why u get my bank crap word they send so much shit... told him I get it too, plus them won't let me have online banking.  I when went to leave had a package put it inside and left.  Got back dog greet me decided to come in different way she is used to.. so open garage door instead of use front...she can open my laundry door.  There she was to greet me.  She did great I checked house gave treat say good... I opened my mystery box.  No card from.  Wow like u would get this on valentines day... but say happy birthday center row of choc covered strawberry's  and look like 1/4 moon shape well had to snap...dog got all excited she chase her tail..gets it every time she does.  So snapped them and video her as got snap earlier of her placing things that blue pillow I gave her she had behind my chair..  word grabbed and shake and dance it.. just tiny clip got til battery died...now cause it was strawberry's too... cause Sammie would call them straw birdies..kinda went with golf too.  So whom ever from has a heart my sons too... now too sis Con and I purchased fresh ones in San Fransisco on the docks there too.. big they were.  and remember mom being wow'd at the size of things grown in Jerusalem too..and how they tiered down like anyway so a memory day.

Wow got call mystery solved on candy from Eathel and Chris...guess this place is in Wesley Chapel started... and just got off phone with them they sang me happy birthday.  The date on my camera again wrong and word..but does fit birth date of gg-grandfather Johan George Bringolf birthdate 12-10-1831


Human Evil Mt 7:11

Well I got a bit irritated this morning…and often when that happens I find elsewhere to go mess around. I wanted just a human site.. well with those that eyes to see would notice still put a quote of scripture.

So I created this page yes family shows but well we are human…Word then off in other directions as mom now I have her overseeing…as fav icon..and reason for title is cause she would say this word to me I never looked it up though lol She also called herself the hall monitor. So I did and it fit right in wouldn’t you know. Chose the background as this Daddy’s brand of cig always smoked..and when together we did this together.

That took me to Salem, MS and them witch trials. Boy would I liked to have been their attorney in those. Would have love to meet these people…at the Salem Witch trials and burning's. Why? Well I see the world and so called wise men, who follow doctrines of men.

Looked up then shenanigan then found some history links…did go then to this page there…truth?? have no clue..

So this will be just my human stuff if I ever have them. Well yes will throw the dog a bone..had to look this one up too and wouldn’t come up well link said something about winning…won’t say how many try to get that link open again for meaning it won’t so just snapped what it said in the search about it.


Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved.

You Raise Me Up

 Daddy and I when together always smoked together.  I did create a cig pack background site will put this there too.  Actually the first site alone...on hosting.. could have lots if'n ya want one.  Could put up well it would cost a bit for 6 I am adding cousin Daryl too son's cousin.  Of course already did a blog for sisters business site they can blog on.. nothing changed from original sent him...log in and password stuff I mean.  I am not sure they know to put at end /wp-admin though.  

Well chatting as I do thought about Daddy and a song came to mind also a pic of he and I fit the song to me... funny too around puter which here am I.  This is the picture of us.

Well this is the song also kinda fitting too as there I am on his shoulder...and Windows 98 showing we were booting up to do things together on the puter.  sharing his seat?  Can't totally tell and don't remember but also fitting as he did raise me up...as a child too.




Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved.

Daddy Teaching Me To Drive

Well this story must have been important as it dissapeared from my chats with Matthew. So I will do him this and post this story I told him. I don't always tell my happenings.

When we were well getting older, mom would drive us to the lake to see and stay with her mom at Adam's Lake. Well she on those back roads would let ones drive the car, started of course with my big brother, they my older sister, then me she wanted to do this. I said NO I don't want to drive. So with me nnever doing this with mom, that tossed me to my Daddy. I did mention on another post the type girl I was, into playing all kinds of everything..didn't mention other city sport tournements was in though like tennis. So basically involved and did about anything, unlike my sisters.

At the time it was new subdivision, so not much north of us.. Daddy made me go drive we went north got on a road to curved and turned into St Joe road, with us having the right of way as in no stop signs or anything on that curve. A road though did come to it I think as showed him map.. Mathue or something I don;t even care tried to look up again and google maps block me. We got to that curve and I saw car sitting there am sure said AAAHHH and put my hands over my face and eyes, as in crash. Daddy reached over and turned the wheel and we did not hit her..and made me continue driving. Well next up was a stoplight at St Joe Center road we had to make a left turn at to get back home. The light was green so I didn't slow down and made a dangerouse turn.. Then we did get back home again. Yes he did give me instruction and made comments. Well I told Matthew but that was not the weird part.

The weird part is that it was not one of our family cars. It was a rental car. Like who does that? Well I did say, I am sure Daddy was shocked that this daughter not afraid of anything played everything refused to drive??? I just said maybe he took that to God..and if crash it won't be in one of his vehicles. So an interesting dxriving lesson...I did have permit, so am sure insurance would have paid maybe. Weird it was to me. 


Copyright © 2009 I'm Global Now. All rights reserved.



Teaching Me To Drive

Well this story must have been important as it disappeared from my chats with Matthew. So I will do him this and post this story I told him...

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